Thursday, July 16, 2009

Disrespectful... 'Nuff Said.

Chris Brown wearing a chain that says "Oops!"....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Nicki Minaj Got Me!

Yeah It's been awhile.
But I'm coming back.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beauty is Dependent on the Size of Your Breasts && Ass

I do not have 42 Double D breasts.
Or an ass so big like the sun.
I mean I got a little something.
But apparently it's not enough.
I am not beautiful.

My hair doesn't hug my hips when I walk.
Nor does it stop at the top of my ears.
I've never had a silky weave.
Or a bushy one for that matter.
I am not beautiful.

I don't wear heels to go for a run.
I burp loudly,
Laugh rambunctiously.
And eat ravenously.
I am not as thin as I appear.
I am not beautiful.

When being compared to other girls,
I will always be the the less desired.
I don't look like other girls.
And never will.
I am not beautiful

I don't have green eyes.
Or hazel or blue.
Just brown.
Like caramel and brown sugar wrapped in honey.
My face is mostly free of blemishes
And is the color Barbadian sand kissed by the sun.
And though I lack the 42 Double D's and the sun-like ass,
I have enough to be appealing,
And enough for my man's eyes to gaze in amazement,
Wonder how he got lucky enough to see what's underneath skinny jeans and classy shirt.
I got a smile that has the same effect.
Though my hair is natural,
No perm, weave, or relaxer,
My soul is something magical,
And not a conformist disaster.
I am an individual

So many years,
I have looked in the mirror and have hated what I saw.
I still do most of thetime.
But every year,
I our relationship becomes stronger.
I'm starting to fall in love with what I see.
We often disagree.
This relationship formulates tumultuously.
But it formulates, nonetheless.
I don't know if I am Beautiful,
But I am priceless.
I am an individual.
I am absolutely amazing.

Maybe one day I'll be beautiful by societal standards.
But most likely I won't.
I'll always be nothing more than ordinary.
But my hearts yearns for more...